এডোবি ইলাস্ট্রেটর কিবোর্ড শর্টকাট

বহুল ব্যবহৃত Tools

Sl.ShortcutFunction1VRegular Selection tool2ADirect Selection3YMagic Wand4QLasso5PPen6+Add Anchor point7-Delete Anchor point8Shift-CConvert Anchor point9TType10\Line Segment11MRectangle12LEllipse13BPaintbrush14NPencil15Shift-BBlob Brush16Shift-EEraser17CScissors18RRotate19OReflect20SScale21Shift-RWarp22EFree Transform23Shift-SSymbol Sprayer24JColumn Graph25UMesh26GGradient27IEyedropper28WBlend29KLive Paint Bucket30Shift-LLive Paint Selection31Shift-OArtboard Tool32Shift-KSlice33HHand34ZZoom35XToggle between Fill & Stroke36Shift-XSwap Fill & Stroke37DDefault Fill & Stroke (white fill/black stroke)38>Fill or Stroke w/Gradient39/Fill or Stroke w/None40FCycle through Screen Modes41Double-click toolsto bring up options42Caps Lockto change tool pointer to cross hair43Hold down Shiftto constrain movement to 45°, 90°, 135°, or 180°

Selecting and Moving

Sl.ShortcutFunction1CtrlTo access Selection or Direction Selection tool (whichever was used last) at any time2Ctrl-Alt-TabTo switch between Selection and Direct Selection tools3Alt-click toolTo cycle through tools behind column tool4AltTo make copy while dragging5ShiftTo add to a selection6Any arrow keyMove Selection7Shift-any arrow keyMove Selection 10 pts8Ctrl-2Lock selected artwork9Ctrl-Alt-Shift-2Lock all deselected artwork10Ctrl-Alt-2Unlock all artwork11Ctrl-3Hide selected artwork12Ctrl-Alt-Shift-3Hide all deselected artwork13Ctrl-Alt-3Show all artwork

Path Editing

Sl.ShortcutFunction1Ctrl-Alt-Shift-JJoin and Average at same time2AltConvert Anchor Point tool from Pen tool3AltSwitch between Add Anchor Point and Delete Anchor Point tools4AltAdd Anchor Point tool from Scissors tool5SpacebarMove anchor point while drawing with Pen tool6When finished drawing, hold Alt and release mouseCreate closed path with Pencil or Paintbrush tool7Ctrl-dragConnect to an open (& selected) path with Pencil

Painting and Transforming

Sl.ShortcutFunction1AltEyedropper tool from Live Paint Bucket tool2ShiftSamples intermediate color from gradient, picture, etc. with eyedropper3Alt-click with ToolSets center point and shows dialog4Alt-dragDuplicates and transforms selection5Tilde(~)-dragTransform pattern without transforming object6Shift-drag bounding boxScale proportionally with Selection tool7Alt-drag bounding boxScale from center with Selection tool8Shift-dragMove mesh point along path with Mesh tool9Shift-clickAdd mesh point with Mesh tool without changing color10Alt-clickRemove mesh point with Mesh tool

Shapes (While Drawing)

Sl.ShortcutFunction1AltDraw from center2Alt-clickDraw from center with dialog3ShiftConstrain proportion4ShiftConstrain orientation of polygons, stars, spirals5SpacebarMove object while drawing6Up or Down ArrowAdd/subtract sides, points, spiral segments7CtrlDecrease inner radius8Hold tilde(~) while draggingCreate continuous duplicates along mouse movement

Viewing & Guides

Sl.ShortcutFunction1SpacebarGet Hand Tool (while NOT editing Type)2Hold Control, then Space. (This will show the Zoom tool). Let go of Control so you see the Hand tool and immediately start dragging the mouse so you don't end up typing spaces. Be sure to let go of the Spacebar while dragging so you again don't type more spacesGet Hand Tool (while editing Type)3Ctrl-SpacebarZoom In Tool4Ctrl-Alt-SpacebarZoom Out Tool5Ctrl-Spacebar-dragZoom In to exact size6TabHide/Show all tools and panels7Shift-TabHide/Show all panels except toolbox8Hold Alt while dragging out a new guideSwitch between horizontal/vertical guide9Shift-Ctrl-double-clickRelease Guide (turns it into a regular path)


Sl.ShortcutFunction1Ctrl-Shift- < or >Decrease/Increase type size2Alt arrow up or downDecrease/Increase leading3Alt arrow left or rightDecrease/Increase kerning/tracking4Ctrl-Alt arrow left or rightKerning/tracking x 55Shift-Alt arrow down or upDecrease/Increase baseline shift6Ctrl-Alt-Shift arrow down or upBaseline shift x 57Ctrl-Shift-L, R, CAlign type left, right, center8Ctrl-Shift-JJustify type9Ctrl-Shift-FJustify last line10Reset kerning or tracking to 0Ctrl-Alt-Q11Ctrl-Shift-XReset horizontal/vertical scale to 100%

Panel Shortcuts / Function Keys

Sl.FunctionShortcut1Show/Hide BrushesF52Show/Hide ColorF63Show/Hide LayersF74Show/Hide InfoF85Show/Hide GradientF96Show/Hide StrokeF107Show/Hide AttributesF118Revert fileF129Show/Hide Graphic StylesShift-F510Show/Hide AppearanceShift-F611Show/Hide AlignShift-F712Show/Hide TransformShift-F813Show/Hide PathfinderShift-Ctrl-F914Show/Hide TransparencyShift-Ctrl-F1015Show/Hide SymbolsShift-Ctrl-F11

Layers Panel Shortcuts

Sl.FunctionShortcut1To create new layer and edit propertiesAlt-click new layer button2Toggle layer between Preview/Outline modeCtrl-click on eye3Show layer while turning off all othersAlt-click on eye4Select all items on layerAlt-click layer name5Copy selected item to different layerAlt-drag selection square in Layers panel6To create the new layer at the top of listCtrl-click7To create the new layer below selected layerCtrl-Alt-click

Color Panel Shortcuts

Sl.FunctionShortcut1Saturate/Desaturate current colorShift-drag color slider2Change Color ModeShift-click color bar3Select compliment of current colorCtrl-click color bar

Swatches Panel Shortcuts

Sl.ShortcutFunction1Hold Crtl–Shift while creatingCreate a swatch as a global color2Alt-drag new swatch over oldReplace a swatch with another


Sl.ShortcutFunction1Shift-Enter(In any panel) Apply a value, but keep value highlighted in panel2F8Create New Symbol3Alt-Drag a color stop onto anotherSwap Colors in a Gradient

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